Succailure In Action.jpg

So what is this thing?

Back in 2017, a few of us in the ustwo Sydney studio were feeling a little isolated from the rest of the global fampany (ustwo’s family of companies in 4 corners of the world).

So we came up with a little idea to help with this. It’s called is a platform that helps ALL ustwobies easily share and see all the wonderfully fun things happening in our studios. We do this by leveraging the activity and everyday gold coming out of Slack and to display this ‘spontaneous cultural juice’ for all to enjoy in rather incidental and serendipitous ways.

But why?

Because ustwo culture is a unique one that needs to be shared. Whilst we may be spread across different corners of the globe, it’s our fampany culture which connects us. 

We believe is a great way for us all to feel connected to each studio. It allows us to easily share what makes each studio unique while also reminding us how much we have in common. It’s a place to see and celebrate our global fampany. 



The first iteration of was targeted towards the 4 largest slack channels across the the studios, only presenting image and text posts moderated by the collective.

The first iteration of was targeted towards the 4 largest slack channels across the the studios, only presenting image and text posts moderated by the collective.


After validating the value of the tool, we received feedback to enhance the value by improving the UI, adding text, emoji reactions and authorship of original posts.

After validating the value of the tool, we received feedback to enhance the value by improving the UI, adding text, emoji reactions and authorship of original posts.


Here’s how it works:

It’s simple. If you see a picture, gif or text posted on slack that you think all studios should see, react to that post with a 📺. The bespoke slackbot detects this reaction and posts the content to

But if you see a post that you don’t think all studio should see, react to that post with a ❌. The slackbot will detect this reaction and remove this content from

V1 - Succailure - In Action - A Copy 2.jpg
‘Succailure’ comes from Mills, ustwo co-founder, and speaks to a core belief that there is no such thing as failure or success. There is only a wicked combination of the two: Succailure.

‘Succailure’ comes from Mills, ustwo co-founder, and speaks to a core belief that there is no such thing as failure or success. There is only a wicked combination of the two: Succailure.

Here are some wicked combinations that shows in action.


UI refresh and motion design by Garett MacGillivary


My role in all of this:

As a product designer at ustwo, I researched, conceived and pitched the idea to the Sydney leadership team. I then became the ‘product owner’ until my depature from ustwo in 2020.


The legends that made it all happen:

Jeremy Grancher - Developer Extraordinaire
Lujan Cima - Coaching legend and all-round bringer of good vibes
Garett MacGillivary - A man of supreme visual and motion chops
Luca Strazzullo - An iOS and appleTV guru as well as one of the original conceivers of the concept over beers on a Friday afternoon
Sydney ustwo leadership - for trusting and supporting the idea

And the hundred of ustwobies around the world who embraced a culture of inclusion and gave amazing feedback to ensure we are doing so in an ethical way.


Cochlear CoPilot


Cult Chairity Exhibition